Information for Parents

Though most students make regular progress through SPIDER courses with little or no parent involvement, it is good for parents to know what is going on when their child begins an online course.

Once your child has registered for a course, he or she will receive an email confirming registration. This will contain all of the information that they will need to continue, such as their username and instructions on setting a password.

All of our courses are stored online within a learning management system called Moodle, at Teachers also use Moodle to communicate back and forth with students regularly. All content is stored in Moodle. There are no textbooks.

Students can start a course any time and will progress at their own pace, though our courses are only open from Sept – June. SPIDER does not run as a summer school program.

Students should make regular progress through their courses. This means logging in several times per week and checking in with their teacher at least weekly, either in person or by other means.

We encourage you to watch this video entitled “How to do well in courses at SPIDER.”

SPIDER teachers send out monthly reports for each student. These go out to students, parents and counsellors. To be sure that you receive these, make sure that we have a current email address for you.